
The most straightforward class in Kingdom Heroes M. Choose your favorite weapon and smash said weapon against enemies until they are dead. Warrior has the strongest ultimate skills on all weapons. Most of the time you will be auto attacking (to regenerate rage) and spend rage on “Ultimate skills”.

Warrior can only have 2 soldiers, which will be reduced to 1 at a higher level so grab a healer or any soldier of your choice to accompany you in battle. Allocate Cha just enough to summon your soldiers (base + gear bonus) and then allocate the rest of your stats on Con for survivability and Str or Rea for Damage. For short/ long/ heavy weapon users go with Str, while Bow and 2-hand weapon users will go with Rea.

For new players, it is recommended to go with Rea + Con builds as Rea also grants you extra dodge rate, while Str only grants attack damage.